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的 following resources are available to the 博彩网址大全 community to accomplish its goals without infringing the intellectual property rights of others. 侵权 会导致诉讼或要求撤回侵权材料吗. 注意网络 publication of student work may involve issues both in copyright 法律 and FERPA privacy 法律.

"Property sensitive" measures include obtaining permission for use, quoting source 材料 according to the four Fair Use requirements, finding alternate 材料s that are easier to legally use (such as items that assigned or lapsed into public 定义域或U.S. 政府出版物). 作家也应该注意长期学术 引用和致谢的标准.

An excellent collection of advice on these matters is available at the following sources:

博彩网址大全 DMCA Procedures and Policy for Repeat Offenders

的 following procedures implement 博彩网址大全`s enforcement of specific U的各个部分.S. 1998年数字千年版权法案. 其他文件: 本网站执行DMCA的其他方面. 以下程序包括 use of the central DMCA 代理, should prove expedient to all concerned.

  • 的 大学's registered DMCA 代理 shall receive all claims of infringement. 索赔 是来自校内还是校外. 法律要求这样的声明必须包含 某些信息,包括侵权材料的位置.
  • 的 DMCA 代理 shall promptly acknowledge receipt of each infringement claim. 如果 claim fails to substantially comply in supplying information, the registered 代理 shall promptly attempt to contact the person making the notification or take other reasonable steps to assist in the receipt of notification that substantially complies.
  • 的 registered DMCA 代理 shall coordinate activities, keep records required to track 重复犯罪,并确保所有事件得到适当的裁决. DMCA代理和 代表或与DMCA代理人共同行事的人应:
    • Protect rights of intellectual property owners as defined by 法律, 大学 policy, 以及公认的学术行为标准
    • Protect rights and due process of those accused of infringement - particularly if 合理使用保护可能适用
    • Generally support the authorized instruction, research and service missions of the 大学
    • Consult the General Counsel and CIO when any question arises in pursuing the above.
  • Upon receipt of a complete claim of infringement, the registered 代理 shall direct prompt removal of 材料 or removal of all local or wide-area network access to 声称侵权的材料或活动. 注册代理人应采取 steps to ensure this take-down will impact essential 大学 activities as little as possible in effecting immediate compliance, will arrange that 大学 代理s will promptly restore the 材料 or activity, upon proper compliance with the terms 关于放回程序的DMCA.
  • 的 registered 大学 代理 or the 代理`s delegate will take responsible steps 及时通知订阅者/用户删除. 此通知将详细说明 information required to make a counterclaim, other information explaining applicable 正当程序权利.
  • 博彩网址大全 may terminate access and exercise disciplinary and/or other correctional measures for any copyright infringement claim, including repeated claims and/or violations or flagrant misuse of the 大学`s information systems equipment 或网络连接和/或服务.
  • All questions regarding this policy should be directed to the 大学`s Registered 代理.


有关DMCA的更多信息,请访问 1998年数字千年版权法案网站.


数字千年版权法 要求版权侵权的索赔被发送到 大学注册代理,提供如下所列的具体信息. DMCA第(512)(f)条规定 对故意谎报索赔的处罚.

DMCA的部分 512(c)(3)(A) requires the following of notices alleging copyright infringement:


To be effective under this subsection, a notification of claimed infringement must 将书面沟通提供给 注册代理人 一个服务提供者,基本上包括以下内容:

(i) A physical or electronic signature of a person authorized to act on behalf of the 声称被侵犯的专有权的所有者. [作为电子签名, our 代理 accepts facsimile/fax and digitized image of your signature attached to 电子邮件.]

(ii) Identification of the copyrighted work claimed to have been infringed, or, if multiple copyrighted works at a single online site are covered by a single notification, a 该地点此类工程的代表性清单.

(3) Identification of the 材料 that is claimed to be infringing or to be the subject of infringing activity and that is to be removed or access to which is to be disabled, and information reasonably sufficient to permit the service provider to locate the 材料.

[请包括URL,如http://。.../.../... 或ftp://.../.../... 识别 材料或代表性材料. 如果可能,请指定任何id、密码、 或其他访问材料所需的授权. 请注明日期、时间、 以及观测材料所在的时区. 技术人员可能需要时间信息 为了识别动态分配的互联网位置.]

(iv) Information reasonably sufficient to permit the service provider to contact the complaining party, such as an address, telephone number,, if available, an 电子邮件 可与投诉方联系的地址.

(v) A statement that the complaining party has a good faith belief that use of the 材料 in the manner complained of is not authorized by the copyright owner, its 代理 or 法律.

(vi) A statement that the information in the notification is accurate, under penalty of perjury, that the complaining party is authorized to act on behalf of the owner 声称被侵犯的专有权.

DMCA的部分 512(d)(3) requires similar information for notices requesting removal 链接或其他涉及侵权材料.

的 DMCA requires prompt acknowledgment and action from the registered DMCA 代理. 的 registered DMCA 代理 will forward any counterclaims to the complaining party. 美国等国的法律.S. 家庭教育权利 & 隐私法 may control to what extent the 大学 can identify specific members or how to 联系他们.


的 数字千年版权法 Section 512(g)(3) requires that a counterclaim 版权侵权提供以下指定的某些信息. DMCA的部分 512(f)规定了对故意歪曲反诉的处罚.


To be effective under this subsection, a counter notification must be a written communication provided to the service provider's 注册代理人 that includes substantially the 后:


[作为电子签名, our 代理 accepts facsimile/fax and digitized image of 电子邮件附带的签名.]
(B) Identification of the 材料 that has been removed or to which access has been disabled and the location at which the 材料 appeared before it was removed or 它被禁止访问.

[这 information will normally be included in the notice you receive from the DMCA 代理. You may want to expand on it or distinguish some 材料s from others. 请 包括URL,如http://.../.../... 或ftp://.../.../... 识别材料 或代表性材料. 指定所需的任何id、密码或其他授权 访问资料.]
(C) A statement under penalty of perjury that the subscriber has a good faith belief that the 材料 was removed or disabled as a result of mistake or misidentification 指要移除或禁用的材料.

[If you have any permissions for subject 材料s, please identify them. 如果你相信 材料s to be quotable under Fair Use Doctrine, please state your case with reference 合理使用的四项原则.]
D) 的 subscriber's name, address, telephone number, a statement that the subscriber consents to the jurisdiction of Federal District Court for the judicial district in which the address is located, or if the subscriber's address is outside of the United States, for any judicial district in which the service provider may be found, that the subscriber will accept service of process from the person who provided notification under subsection (c)(1)(C) or an 代理 of such person.

Once the complaining party receives your claim, the DMCA permits your service provider, the 大学, to restore 材料s or access within two weeks - unless the complaining party serves notice that it intends to seek a court order to restrain infringement. 大学 policy may mandate for other reasons that 材料s or access not be restored, and that other investigation, containment, or disciplinary measures proceed.